Did you know lawns across the country consume more than 3 TRILLION gallons of water, 200 million gallons of gas to mow them, and over 60 million pounds of pesticides annually. A push to a "no-mow" concept is starting to happen. One out of 3 families grow some of their own food in vegetables and/or fruit trees and bushes. Many are taking parts of their yards and converting them to low growing turf grasses that require little grooming or just not mowing their yards and letting the lawns grow. Others are planting layered heights of grasses in unique naturalized patterns and enjoying the almost maintenance free display. Add a few rocks or boulders and the possibilities are endless.
Grasses are pretty much maintenance free plants. They add some animation to the landscape when the wind blows and offer a selection of unmatched colors.
Starting from the shortest, I like blue fescue which only reaches about a foot tall. They offer a powder to gun metal blue color and are great for the landscape. Another color plant is liriope, offering a deep green or variegated yellow green color when you just need a little interest, these are a great addition. In the fall they offer a purple or blue flower spike to add even more interest.
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