Seed Potato Planting Instruction
Seed Potatoes Planting Instructions
1. Storage:
Store seed potatoes in a cool, dark, and moist place that is safe from freezing.
2. Ground Preparation:
After all danger of frost has passed, prepare the soil by working it up to a depth of 7 to 8 inches. Broadcast 25 pounds of SSC 5-10-10 fertilizer per 100 linear feet of potato planting.
Tip: A 50 lb. bag of seed potatoes will plant approximately 325 linear feet.
Work the fertilizer into the soil thoroughly.
3. Seed Preparation and Planting:
Just before planting, cut larger potatoes into golf ball-sized pieces.
Make sure each piece has at least one eye.
Plant freshly cut seed pieces 8 inches apart in a trench 4 inches deep.
4. Insect and Fungus Control:
Use insecticides and fungicides as needed.
Monitor regularly for pests and diseases.
5. Care of Plants:
Cultivate frequently to control weeds.
Hill the soil around the plants as they grow, building up rows to about 12 inches high.
Keep plants well watered.
6. Harvest and Storage:
Potatoes mature in 100 to 120 days.
Vines will begin to die back when the potatoes are ready.
Once the vines wither, wait about 2 weeks, then harvest.
The ground should be dry when harvesting.
Store harvested potatoes at around 40°F in a dark, moist place.