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We are just as excited as you! In case you can't wait, we have many houseplants available to green up your space!
It's officially spring!
Unfortunately due to agricultural laws and staffing shortages we do not ship plants. Thank you for your understanding.
For use on outdoor residential sites and in non-commercial greenhouses. For control of foliage-feeding insect pests. Kills ants (excluding fire ants, harvester ants, pharaoh ants and carpenter ants) aphids, beetles, leafminers, thrips and whiteflies. Can be used in vegetable gardens.
For outdoor residential use in home gardens, lawns, ornamentals and greenhouses. Controls Adelgids, Ants, Aphids, Armyworms, Beetles including Colorado Potato Beetle, Borers, Caterpillars, Chinch Bugs, Codling Moth, Earwigs, Fruit Flies, Gypsy Moth, Lace Bugs, Leafhoppers, Leafminers, Leafrollers, Loopers, Mealybugs, Mites, Mole Crickets, Plant Bugs, Psyllids, Sawfly Larvae, Scale Insects, Spider Mites, Tent Caterpillars, Thrips, Webworms, Weevils and Whiteflies.
Formulation: Potassium Salts of Fatty Acids 0.940% and Spinosad 0.005%
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