Ohioans Experience all Four Seasons in One Week: Scientists Blame Climate Change and Punish Groundhog for Inaccuracy.

Dear Friends,

March 20th, the official arrival of spring, will be here before we know it. 

It’s always interesting to me to look back over the past few months and lament over what has transpired. Snowfall in our area was less than half the average of 37” and has been posted in the record books at a mere 18”. We have had 21 days with temperatures over 50 degrees. I am sure you can remember the mid 60 degrees days followed by a 40-degree change to the mid 20’s in less than 12 hours the past couple of weeks. It seems we have experienced all 4 seasons of weather in a couple days over the course of this winter. 

So many clients have phoned in asking if their bulbs will be ok as they are pushing out of the ground way ahead of normal times. I think the chronicle telegram printed a picture of crocus blooming on Washington avenue in mid-February. This is one month earlier than last year. (And yes, bulbs pushing out of the ground will be fine. Those plants are tough!)

Now we are experiencing colder than average temperatures and that is predicted to last for the next couple of weeks. As of today's writing, of this article, we are almost 2 weeks ahead of last year. Maybe this cooler weather will bring things back to normal. (If there is such a thing?) 

Here are my predictions for 2023.

Gardening will continue to be strong as more and more people continue to plant and grow some of their own produce. With $6-$10 costs for a head of cauliflower or broccoli, why wouldn’t you grow your own vegetables and save money at the same time? Fruit trees and bushes will continue to be in high demand.

Labor continues to be a tough nut to crack. Ask anyone in any field and they will all have the same answer. They need help. They are short staffed and could use more people. We are in the same boat; our landscape division could use some more guys as well. If you know of anyone, please have them contact us.

As for pricing, some items have risen again thanks to short supplies. Anything with peat moss in it, most fertilizers, plastics, resin, and items shipped long distances, expect to see some higher pricing.  

On the positive side, we are seeing future pricing for 2024 items starting to stabilize and actual drop a bit. Yes, I said it, lower pricing. Now many factors are involved so don’t hold your breath, this could change but at least its headed in the right direction. 

Houseplants continue to be selling strong. Since the Home and Garden Show back in February, many new clients have discovered us. We honestly have had new clients travel from Erie, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and all points of Ohio from Athens to Toledo to shop and buy our plants. Many have commented our quality, selection and pricing cannot be beat! Houseplants are a great addition to the home and a prequel to Spring.

Our staff has been transplanting like crazy, the scent of spring, (Aka Dirt) is in the air. Our nursery is beginning to unload our overwintering houses and placing bushes and trees outside for sale. Trucks of nursery stock will start rolling in the next few weeks and we should be fully stocked by mid-April. The days are getting longer. The store smells like fertilizer, (not a great smell), but that's an indication of spring.

More and more friends are starting to visit us and getting fertilizers to feed their plants. Crabgrass preventers time is upon us. Dormant oils and copper sprays are selling for those to spray their fruit trees while they are still dormant to start fresh without insects or diseases. Seeds are selling for gardens. 

So, in closing, get outside, trim your plants on a sunny day, get the yard cleaned up, pull that extra mulch off of the perennials, add compost to your garden, get your early sprays started on plants you had problems with last year. Plant your potatoes and onion sets. They will be here Saturday! Start showing some seeds for the garden. Nows the time to plant some peas, spinach and lettuce. Throw some fertilizer down around your plants. Take a deep breath, enjoy the days that are ahead. Be glad we are all still here and pray for world peace. It can’t hurt.