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We are just as excited as you! In case you can't wait, we have many houseplants available to green up your space!
It's officially spring!
Unfortunately due to agricultural laws and staffing shortages we do not ship plants. Thank you for your understanding.
Our fastest KILLZALL yet!
A non-selective systemic weed and grass killer that will eliminate undesirable vegetation – roots and all – in and around lawns, driveways, parking areas, between stepping stones and bricks, flower beds, trees and shrubs. Special caution should be taken to avoid spraying desired vegetation.
DO NOT USE IN LAWNS. Rainproof in 10 minutes; reaches the roots in 1 to 2 hours; visible results in as little as 3 hours.May be applied when temperatures are as low as 50 degrees.
Shipping is calculated based on volume and distance through either UPS or USPS. For any questions please email
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